DocuSign Ignite
A better way to implement
DocuSign CLM
Who does this work for? Enterprise or commercial businesses?
It works both enterprise and commercial businesses! Although custom pricing may be required based on the level of effort required for implementation.
Is AI included?
Yes! The AI attribute occurs at the end of the process when documents and final reporting are scanned for a final review.
Why do I need an implementation partner? Isn’t it easy to do myself?
The DocuSign solution is not entirely plug-and-play although easy to use once once implemented their is an initial level of effort. NeuraFlash delivers unique designs per implementation. Every business has its own process, its own special requirements etc and all of this needs to be considered when designing a system that will have a lasting impact and the desired business outcomes.
What is the migration tool and why is it important?
Our migration tool is fast, and reduces the time to implement by reducing the time and effort it takes to migrate documents by DAYS.