The Digital Revolution

Providing an exceptional customer experience across all the channels your customers use is essential to staying leaps and bounds ahead of your competition, A recent study from McKinsey shows that 60-70% of adults are now omni-channel consumers! So what does that mean? Now more than ever, customers value seamless personalized omnichannel service experiences. 
The Outcomes
The Digital Revolution

The world of customer experience has seen a massive acceleration in digital adoption in the last two years. The channels we use to communicate have dramatically shifted, and customer expectations for fast and personalized support are still on the rise! 

Providing an exceptional customer experience across all the channels your customers use is essential to staying leaps and bounds ahead of your competition, A recent study from McKinsey shows that 60-70% of adults are now omni-channel consumers! So what does that mean? Now more than ever, customers value seamless personalized omnichannel service experiences. 

To put it simply, there’s no going back. The 2020 and 2021 challenges just expedited an already growing trend and because of this, organizations have invested in building their own omni-channel experience so they can customers in as many ways as possible. What is Omni-Channel, you ask? It is a tool that, once enabled, can be customized to display what you need to see, and it can automatically push work to your users in real time. For example, one can configure routing rules to assign cases to agents through Omni-Channel or configure routing rules to assign leads to sales team members. 

In the past year alone we have helped hundreds of customers adapt to this new normal in delivering the ultimate digital experiences to accomplish their business objectives to stand out against competitors. By leveraging reliable digital experiences, we give our customers the tools to increase their CSAT scores and reach larger audiences!

“NeuraFlash has been an excellent partner for us. It was quite clear that they were not going to pressure us to do what they wanted to do. They worked with us on best practices, did a deep dive analysis and found what would benefit us most!” - Jack Kinsey, Strategy & Innovation Director, Information Technology at Ocean Network Express 

A look back at 2021

2021 quickly became the year of mass implementation of AI, becoming an integral part of day to day business processes for many companies. Whether we’ve introduced clients to new digital channels, implemented strategic frameworks, or helped them leverage automation and self-service support- we have helped our customers reach their goals and stay ahead of the 2021 AI trends! 

In 2021…

  1. We helped a national custom home installation and manufacturing franchiser optimize their business, decrease the time to schedule appointments by 66% and increased sales by 5% by upgrading their legacy Salesforce environment to FSL.
  2. We worked with a major brand clothing retailer to nearly double automation by integrating order status from within their bot instead of simply including a hyperlink to the order status page. 
  3. We have kept up with the global trends working with a multinational SaaS company that was losing sales because opportunities in one country were landing in another.  The AI solution, the Einstein Bot, built by NeuraFlash, gots the right opportunities to the right reps.

2 Major Trends we expect to see this year

2022 is in full swing, and is set to be another year of transformation as businesses of all sizes continue to adjust to the growing demands of their customer bases. Two of the biggest trends we expect to see in 2022 surround personalization and data.

Trend One: Personalization

There is an expectation for increased personalization as AI continues to learn more about consumers. People will expect to see content that is relevant and personalized to them and their habits. This includes in the form of sale recommendations, coupons, etc.

Personalization doesn’t stop at the content that consumers expect to see, but it also refers to what channels are available to use! As we mentioned earlier, the majority of adults are now omni-channel users. Omni-Channel provides businesses with a way to seamlessly meet these growing consumer expectations and accelerate into the digital future. 

Trend Two: Data

Data, a broad term with many meanings and implications. Data privacy is growing in importance and consumer focus; Forbes highlights how AI is now impacting every industry and not just data science. With this growing impact comes laws and debates surrounding the ethics of data privacy. This is a global trend that carries across all industries. There will be a greater emphasis on data and how data and AI tie together. Data has always been seen as important, but linking and being able to access data across multiple internal platforms is becoming increasingly valuable. Data (and trusted/secured data) ties through many growing trends. Salesforce is addressing this concern with their release of hyperforce. As hyperforce rolls out, it is becoming compatible with Salesforce’s core services in multiple regions and CDP (customer data platform) in the United States.  

This will impact what we are seeing and what agents can see. As previously mentioned, the omni-channel experience is one key aspect of 2021 and it's not going away in 2022. As we have more data available we will also have more ways to read data, display data and we are going to have to continue to adjust our existing platforms to do just that. 


This is only the beginning, we have seen and experienced a massive digital shift over the last years affecting every industry from Manufacturing to Financial Services. These trends are not slowing down or going away! They are here to stay, and we are here to help. AI products are entering the marketplace, growing in accessibility and continuing to shape the expectations and communication styles of consumers. 

Going through a digital transformation can be challenging, and knowing your organization’s starting point plays a key role in understanding your tech needs. NeuraFlash creates options for your organization by allowing you to focus on your business purpose rather than sifting through possible solutions.  

Keep up with the coming trends and meet your customers where they need to be met and one that is built around data. We can help you to stay ahead and focus on what matters to your business using Salesforce and Amazon Partnerships. 

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